Signs start to proliferate throughout the town and you believe that you might see a record number of sales for the Community Garage Sale Weekend. Traditionally, the weekend before the Festival begins...
Don't panic! You're planning for Lily's first overnight so the weekend will go on without your involvement....
And yet..... Okay Lily! What should we do for the Yard Sale that you can be a part of? Hows about making Apple Cinnamon muffins for those eager first comers that surely must have zoomed out of the house before eating breakfast...And cookies! We should have lots of cookies! Should we actually cook the dough?
Waiting for the rush.....
All that wheeling and dealing has left us hungry! Good thing the 2G's Papa is here to help and makes us a yummy lunch...Lily was to go home earlier, but we all were having just too much fun....Gracie loves Lily (and lunch) so she gets to use her two new teeth!!
So much to sell yet so much sold!! Yippee!!
Is it dangerous to not put a limit to a sale...? I do believe we may keep it going on the whole week! Good time to visit, meet new people and enjoy the great Persimmony weather!
Mitchell Indiana, the third week in September....
Gotta love it!!
I wish Vivie and I could have joined you... looked like a great time!!!