Friday, January 8, 2010

The Most Creative Job in the World....

Was called to my recipe files today for Baby Girl. She and Hubby are hibernating in the cold of northern Indiana, with school not is session and workplace still on vacation. So one's thoughts go to comfort food......right?!

Whilst looking for her requested recipes for her brand newlywed files, I stumbled across this bit of parchment. I believe in the winter of 1983, in a young woman's bible study, the leader handed these out to us, as kind of a new year's encouragement....

I had it framed for years; lots of pressure to this non working, stay at home mama in the women's liberation era......
It became my mantra of sorts...
And it's still applicable with certain technological updates....


The Most Creative Job in the World:
It involves:
Taste, fashion, decorating, recreation, education, transportation, psychology, romance, cuisine, designing, literature, medicine, handicraft, art, horticulture, economics, government, community relations, pediatrics, geriatrics, entertainment, maintenance, purchasing, direct mail, law, accounting, religion, energy and management.
Anyone who can handle all these has to be somebody special. She is. She's a homemaker.

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