Sunday, February 28, 2010


The joints in my hand bend to form a grip to hold my handwork
I can taste the savory spices in my son's favorite spaghetti sauce
The music of life, the early birds in the silence of the morning, the hum of wonderful electricity, a washing machine happily doing what it does best
The amazing texture of fabric zipping through my fingers as it is processed through my sewing machine, pleases me
My eyes can take in the sweet scene of a young mother with her seven children
My memory takes me to days of laughter with my sisters, golden days with friends on their porches and gardens, hugs with sleepy children as I read to them
I am able to walk long prayerful walks with the dog that I own that is uncannily like me
I have few abdominal muscles due to a 12 inch scar on my belly that I thank God for since my four babies entered the world amazingly via that 'little' scar
My grand baby seems to recognize my grammy voice on the phone
I have walls in my home
And running water
And flushing toilets
do you know how incredibly appreciative I am of those simple things?
My clothes may come from a used source but they were picked by me and not handed out by the Red Cross
My parents had flaws but I know they loved me in their own way and I know their names
My freezer is full
I have the joy of having lived this long and all the lessons/blessings/pain that I have known, has made me who I am

In light of terrible earthquakes, oppressive weather disasters, epidemics, I stand humbled and thankful..
What simple thing are you thankful for today?

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