Saturday, October 29, 2011

WIPS*- Personal Best

(* Works In Progress) 

In the 60's, before Attention Deficit Disorder had an official name, children like me were just called names like 'flibbertijibits'.  I was the child that could not sit still. I frustrated teachers and wore out my parents.  My pencils were the smallest in the class due to the countless trips to the pencil sharpener.  I was the Teacher's Helper who insisted on passing out papers.  If I had to sit still, I had to have something to draw or write on, a practice that continues to this day.  However, what was unfortunate for a little girl in a very structured Parochial school, where the nuns walked the small aisles of our over heated, over crowded classrooms, Ruler of Correction ready in their eager hands, has turned into quite the bonus for a crafty mama with business on her mind.

 To add to the benefits, I have also discovered that I need less sleep these days.  Post menopause has afforded me with extra energy and shorter nights. This elderly flibbertijibbit can oft times be seen up and wondering with her pads of paper in the wee hours of the night, plotting, planning and writing, always writing.....
 I have several note pads on my bed side table,, that help me organize my night time brain.  The nights that the ol grey matter will just not shut down, the nearby pen and paper helps me to organize my rushing thoughts and helps me to plan my day, week, month, year.  Just the other night, the pen had to take over when the brain just had too much to process.  I started thinking about the holiday season forthcoming and my thoughts just kept bumping into each other.  Once I started listing all the things that are on my agenda for this next month, even I was amazed.  How in the world did I get all this on my plate?  And who would of thought that I would be this excited at the prospect of accomplishing it all?  These kind of lists  do not overwhelm me.  They amaze me.  How did I get to this point?  And who knew that it would all roll out like this?  I rejoice at the ability to do what I do.  I am overjoyed at sewing/creating for people.  It just kinda rolls out of me and I am tickled to be able to share my time and talent with others.

 Let us review this weeks list:

  • I have bought yarn for my first knitting project.  It will be for whomever it fits once it is completed.  Could be a child of Miss Viv's for all I know.  But I shall count it as a wondrous opportunity for growth in so many ways. I believe understanding knitting will aid me in many ways on my crafty adventures.
  • I have a crocheted afghan to finish for fireside this winter.  Started it last year whilst helping Baby Girl with her spanking new Baby Girl.  BGBG is now 10 months old.  Whats the rush?
  • I have hand embroidery always at the ready.  The hour and half drive to the Big(ger) City, finds me in the co pilot seat, with embroidery floss or pearl cotton flying away, busily creating pockets for my custom bags.
  • I have a new grandbaby due come the merry month of May.  I have a quilt top to quilt before then.  Another car trip project.  I also have another quilt nearly finished for Pretend Granddaughter Sara. I would love to have this finished before Christmas.  Or at least before she goes away to college.....
  • The living room makeover of last spring is spreading throughout the house.  Before Thanksgiving, when all the chickies shall roost, there shall be new curtains and cushions in the dining room.  I hope.

  •  I have twelve bags on order.  Twelve.  I LOVE this.  But they must get done this month. This Shall Be Accomplished.
  • I have Christmas Banners to make for Rabbit Rita and her festive holiday booths and my etsy shop.
  • Second Grade Teacher Angela has recruited me to aid in her quest to feature her class tree at a holiday Fantastia; a Christmas Tree auction where groups decorate trees to be auctioned off for charity.  This too, shall be accomplished this month.

So those of you that are bothered by your own flibbertijibbit,please be patient with her/him.  As annoying as it is in childhood, it is the person 
that will get things done for you as an adult.  We are the caregivers, the doers, the movers the shakers, the multi crafters....

Take that, Sister Alverna!!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thanks for the know my hubby struggles with this particular brain function and it is sometimes very hard to be patient with it, but i have to always remember what amazing things come out of it him because he is such a doer and lives changer. truly the people who change the world and hearts of many.
    love ya mama....and all your flibbertijitness. :)

    p.s. you are gonna be buuuuusy! SHEW!


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