Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sharing My Space.....

 There are few things I enjoy more than having friends in my home.
I am very thankful to have been handed out the home that I currently dwell in.
I am fully aware that it is a Gift From God and as with all good gifts from Him, I am compelled to share it with all that comes into my life.  I am grateful, awed and very, very appreciative.
I know that it is a modest home in the grand scheme of things but in my heart, it is the answer to a prayer of a very needy little girl long ago.

I have not 'worked' since 1978.  Hubby and I have been a single income family since then.  I should not have a house as nice as I have.  I should not have the space and the comfort that I so enjoy, but I do and I know it is not of myself that I find myself in this position.
'To much is given, much is required'.  I take this biblical admonition to heart in everything.  If I have received any teaching, instruction, wisdom, again, I am compelled to utilize it.  Not for my glory or glitz, but for the One that it came from..

 So when I get an opportunity to share my home, I do.  This home was prayed over upon our first day here. We asked the Lord to show us who, what, when, He wanted us to share this gift.  And He has been faithful. This house has hosted many a gathering, including a budding church that we were part of years ago.  It has hosted a wedding, a reception, a graduation party, countless casual gatherings and dinners, luncheons, breakfasts, bible studies and a rather raucous New Year's Party which included moving furniture out so dancing could commence.
 It is with great excitement that this winter has started another Sharing of My Space with the most lovely group of women ever.  These women have been collected, seemingly at random, but we know Who really orchestrated it all, don't we?  Some are well known, some are very new friends, some are neighbors and some are friends of my son, but all are an essential ingredient to a mix of insights, questions and input.  This lovely mix is a joy for me and the study that happens once a month and the dinner and crafting that happens on another evening in the month, brings me such happiness and contentment that I can hardly stand it.
 I love this gathering.  I find myself thinking about our next meeting and how I can best serve them.
This is a Divine Appointment and I know it.  I think that perhaps I have this home for maybe this very purpose; to gather these fellow seekers; to collect the insights of differing view points and frames of reference to broaden my thinking and question and challenge my self.

For such a time as this, I thank you, God for your benevolence.
May this gathering honor You and may we respect and serve you through the growing of our faith......

'....To much is given, much is required....'    ~  Luke 12:48

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely post. It is so nice that you have let us in on the blessings from The Lord. xo


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