You may recall my CSA rant back in May. No? Well, then:
My Wednesdays have become my menu base this summer. Hubby and I wait for the knock on the door when the CSA Fairies deliver their wonderfulness (Thank you ever so, Jogging Jean, Kool Kortni, and Running Mama for your efforts!) Then the fun begins! Plotting and planning our dinner and making sure we have enough garlic and olive oil to do it up grand.
This week, as Hubby and I cooked up the summer squash and leeks for lunch, I had a scathingly brilliant idea. Our dining room overlooks our garden. Or jungle depending on your viewpoint. These past few years, I just haven't given the attention to my flowers like I need to in order to make the back yard wonderful. Between the Call of the Sewing Room and the Quest for Fun, I am just not interested much in my in ground flowers anymore.
But I'll tell you what, I am really interested in aiding my CSA for next year with my own produce in the place formerly known as my flower garden.
While Hubby and I noshed away on our vegetabley goodness, we discussed what to do with our mass of echinacea: (Lovely Wife and Eldest Admin) and the nicest little natural fence on our north side. Our perennials; Move to the front. This summer, we bought a composter as a preparation for this shift to our own little back to nature movement.
Hubby hates outdoor work. He supplanted our early married income with lawn mowing and I believe he burned out (literally) any interest in all things out doors.
Hubby retires this December.
You see where this is going, right?
With half the income and twice the fun, the two of us mini farmers are going to go organic in our yard with vegetables to share and can and freeze.
Our voices got higher as we tried to top the other on superbly fresh ideas for our retirement days.
It sound terribly cliche and trite but oh so lovely to these two elder farmer wannabees. If we could talk Neighbor Nancy into raising the chickens, we would have it made.
You heard it here first. Keep me on task and when the dark of winter oppresses us, check with the two retirees regarding their 'Farming Plans' and make sure that we are on it.
I must go cut into my CSA cantaloupe and wish you were here to share it with me......