Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Quiet Corners

It's reading time in the Cory Library and my little friend Grant is taking it seriously..
After all, when you're nearly four, there are many books that you have to catch up on!
So after a quiet evening with just the two of us, we ended up, as we often do, reading and discussing books.
Grant's daytime visits can bring about a whirl of activity.
This Nana can sometimes lose several pounds merely in keeping track of his curious interest in everything in Nana's busy home.
But this visit was different.  Perhaps it was the time of day.  Perhaps it was his unusually busy day.  Maybe it was how different Nana's house looked in the evening.  Maybe it was all these things, but our evening was a low key, on-the-cusp-of-four-years -old experience.  While I sewed, he relaxed in the room next, watching Nana's 'vintage' VHS videos that belonged to her children.  And even a real vintage Heckel and Jeckel, the British Crows of long ago.
Having had his time by the tube, we drifted downstairs to the library.
He curled up in the chair and proceeded to read the closest book on the table.  As I witnessed that faraway look on his face, that true book lovers understand, I began to go through the Children Section Shelves on the bookcases.  By the time he finished (yes, reading it, not just looking at pictures), I had laid out an assortment of my favorites, which turned out to be his as well.
As I started 'feeding' him his next selection, he said those magic words; 'I just love your books, Nana'....
Melt, melt, melt.
As he selected books, I would start quoting favorite lines just to see the grin spread from ear to ear, knowing that we share the love of the same part of the book.

 All too soon, mama and daddy had arrived to take him home to his overdue bedtime.

Nana had the unmitigated joy to sit on the floor and go over and over all the lovely children's books that have become well worn throughout the many years of curled up on the couch, cuddle up in bed book time with my own little sweeties, long, long ago.....
I treasure these little glimpses of young mama hood.....

What is your favorite children's book?

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