Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Delightful Diversions: Part Two: Daylilies!

Oh My! If my brain needed a restful state, it certainly received it last night at the Garden Exchange.  This time, we journeyed a bit south to the amazing Brown Day Lily Farm.  And such a treat it was!  Hundreds and hundreds of daylillies looking pretty much their best on a lovely July evening....We gardeners were like children, bustling through the neat paths, exclaiming, one after another, 'Oooh!  Look at this one!  This one's my favorite!  No!  This is!' and on it went as we filled our eyes with the delightful beauty.The color combinations were absolutely inspiring.  Some of the designs and color combos made me smile, thinking of some of my favorite fabric designers; Art Imitating Nature......Some of us purchased some, laboring over the task of trying to figure out just which one....Or two...Here is Nonagenarian Noni, my dear Fleur de lis and Gardening Exchange friend.  She loves lilies and her weakened eyesight delighted in the visual treat....Mr. Brown let us look through some of his lily catalogs and I found a species named "Aunt Leona", Noni's given name.  She was tickled to the point of laughter, contemplating the ability to perhaps purchase her 'namesake'.....Mr. Brown entertained us with day lily stories of hybridizing and propagating and care taking this marvelous plot of land. Mrs. Brown provided tea, lemonade and cookies.  Does she do this nice thing for all her visitors?  The sitting under the carport on some of Mr. Brown's handmade stools, gazing at the proliferation of color surrounding us, pretty much brought me to Gardening Euphoria......
Sigh....A treat for the senses; inspiration for the sewing room, clarity for the brain....The beauty of nature and it's intended remedy for stress...Thank you Lord......

1 comment:

  1. ah,daylilies ....
    On my lovely drive through the country last week, I happened upon a farm sign for "Daylilies--> This Way! 400 Varieties!" Had to drive by twice to take in the splendor. Magnificent.
    When I finally get that piece of land....


Verse Of The Day 2

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