Monday, May 17, 2010

Labor Cake Recipe

After a wonderful Birthday Visit with Eldest Son this past weekend, I had a chance to reflect more on the actual labor and delivery of his birth.  And one thing stands out:  Labor Cake.  Otherwise known as Hot Fudge Sundae Dessert.
ES was born on a Saturday morning, but long before that, early on the previous Friday, Things Were Getting Obvious.
I was restless.  And Quite Overdue.  I had had an amniocentesis on April 25 that clearly told us all that his tiny lungs were not ready for the light of day.  He needed to stay put a while longer.  And longer he did.  He rested very still (and scarily) for the rest of his duration.
It was tradition in those long ago days, that my friends would come over to watch 'Dallas' on Friday evening.  Of course.  The LOST of our time.  And we would take turns bringing a dessert.  Not even imminent childbirth would cancel our Girl's Night so even though, notice was given that a Restless, Overdue, Larger than Large Mama to Be was in the house, we would meet as usual.  Creative Carol of Springfield agreed to bring a delightful dessert and if I promised not to give birth during 'Dallas', then she and Childhood Friend would come and help me eat the Hot Fudge Sundae Dessert.
As the long Friday wore on and Hubby left on his second shift at the factory, 'things' were just not right.  The very still baby started to contract and contract and my restlessness and fatigue kicked in.  Still I did not cancel.  It was Dallas and it was Ice Cream Cake.  And Girl's Night.
So they arrived and each commented on how immensely huge I was.  And Low.  And weary looking.
We ate our dinner and decided to wait a bit to eat The Cake.
In the meantime, I rolled on the floor while they laughed.
I silently went upstairs to lie down.
They would check on me from time to time, nervously threatening to call The Hubby.  With closed eyes and concentrated mind, I would manage, 'Not Yet.'
Then we ate cake.
Then I regretted it.
Then they called The Hubby.  And the parents so they could watch Eldest/Admin.
And after The Cake was put back in the freezer, the Vastly Laboring Young Mama seated in her red 1978 Fairmont Station Wagon pointed toward the hospital, EA safely in the care of her grandparents, did the Anxious/Friend/Dallas Fans breathe.  I told Hubby as we pulled out of the driveway that I swore I saw the house take a deep breath.  Probably did.  After all, I was a C section and not a 'normal' delivery.  They had reason to be a bit unnerved.
When I entered the maternity ward, the nurse asked me how long it had been since I had eaten.  I grinned and told her about two  hours.  Then she asked what I had.  And I reported The Very Yummy Hot Fudge Sundae Dessert.  And all in the labor room groaned and said, Why Didn't You Bring Us Some?  And Have you Considered Renaming It To Labor Cake?  And I did and we did.
To this day, when I make this very delicious dessert, it is heretofore referred to as Labor Cake.
And I want to share it with you:

Labor Cake:

1/4 oz German Sweet Choc Bar
2/3 c. sugar
1 small can evaporated milk
1/2 c butter
1/8 tsp salt
Boil 4 minutes.  let cool.
24 Oreo Cookies (crushed)
1/4 melted butter
Mix and press in 9X13 pan.  Freeze 15 minutes
1/2 gallon Vanilla Ice Cream - leave at room temp. 15 minutes before slicing into 6 slices.  Spread over cookie mixture
Cover ice cream mixture with fudge sauce -- freeze 30 minutes---top with 4 oz Cool Whip and chopped nuts---- freeze 24 hours----Set out 10 minutes before serving.....Drive to Hospital.

1 comment:

  1. Deb, You've always been the one who could make me laugh until I nearly wet myself! My husband of 11 days just left to go back to Cincy and i needed desperately to laugh. So, I went to May 16,2010 and knew you could keep me from crying my heart out! As usual, you came through. Love you so!


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