Can you understand how terribly overwhelmed my little heart is having all 'my people' around me for a generous amount of time?
Let me give you some glimpses of the past few days..
Lots of table time...
Good food, good conversation and lots of laughter...
My favorite people drifting around our home...
Youngest son checking in...
Young Friend Emily...(the one that calls me Queen....)
Most Wonderful Granddaughter with her proper Thanksgiving attire, complete with "I'm stuffed" message on her bottom...
Did I mention that Baby Girl's Hubby did ALL the dishes??!!
Amazing...Without being asked...
Worth his weight in gold...
Multitudinous trips to the grocery. Even the off the beaten path whole foods type grocer to buy all the fixins for a proper Italian Thanksgiving (no, we're not Italian, but sure love the cuisine....)
Hubby despises Brussels sprouts.
But he allows them when they are cooked with chestnuts and pancetta and Sicilian olives...Beautiful color, huh??
Part of Vivien's Holiday apparel...Cute. Adorable. Temporary. Miss Viv hates bibs...
The goal.
The meal.
The quietness of all of us savoring the food.
My voice stilled by the overwhelming gratitude that fills my heart.
My precious people.
The extraordinary blessing that each of them are in my life.
The fact that we have reached this point at this time in our lives.
Grateful. Thankful.
Thank you Lord....
ReplyDelete"...the best one of these is love."
ReplyDeleteI love you all so much. I am grateful more than I can express in any words or actions for you.