Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another Stocking!

I finished making three of those tied fleece blankets for Crazy Dee for her gift giving this year. I had also mentioned to her that I had just finished Miss Vivien's First Christmas Stocking. She immediately chimed in that her not quite one month old grandson needed a First Christmas Stocking!
And always wanting to please CD, I started making squares of the fleece scraps.
And now Jonathan Daniel has a fleecey new sockie. With a satin lining from scraps of long ago used bridesmaid dress material, Jonathan can be assured that many little toys can slink down to the very toe....
Yay scraps! Yay babies! Yay Christmas!


  1. Deb, I just want you to know how much I enjoy reading your blog. It's often one of the last things I read at the end of the day. Thanks for writing it and for sharing. I feel better for the experience of reading it!

  2. Oh Brandy! Your words mean so much to me....As a 'pretend daughter', that I had the privilege to watch grow up to the writer that you are today, I am humbled by your words.....
    Love you....

  3. This turned out SO wonderful!
    I think I am going to take you up on the fleece material idea. Easy and adorable. Cant go wrong.
    :) cant wait to start!


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